Louise_foto: the humid night
Louise_foto: warm night air, the movement of the palms reflected the sway of her hips [Explored 11 Sept 2011]
Louise_foto: the stillness of the breeze caught her, she could breathe if she thought about it [explored]
Louise_foto: she loved the blackness at her door
Louise_foto: yes...but is it art?
Louise_foto: she dreamed of what might have come if she had turned left...
Louise_foto: moonglow in her eyes, forbidden fruit, the crucifix above
Louise_foto: ghost spirits (with respect)
Louise_foto: she lay gazing up, the icy midnight air stung her face, the clouds raced above her and she floated away with them
Louise_foto: midnight stair, to your door...
Louise_foto: on a clear day you can see forever {explore}
Louise_foto: outback star
Louise_foto: under the jetty