redape99_: After first light, an inquisitive otter ventures up to road level.
redape99_: These steps are an historic feature of Cork's River Lee.
redape99_: Cautiously approaching road level as tourists pass by.
redape99_: Amazing how much is going on in the River Lee completely unnoticed!
redape99_: Off downstream in the hunt for food.
redape99_: A trail of bubbles can point to a hidden underwater otter hunting for prey.
redape99_: A successful catch of a large eel.
redape99_: It doesn't take long before the black-headed gulls get interested.
redape99_: The otter tries to get to a comfortable place to tackle the huge eel under pressure from the gulls.
redape99_: A quick shake.
redape99_: The eel is still putting up a fight.
redape99_: Impressive canine teeth on show.
redape99_: A jealous heron looks on whilst the otter devours his catch.
redape99_: The heron is very wary of approaching too closely.
redape99_: After eating about half the eel this otter seemed to be full.
redape99_: Leaving the heron free to move in and take what was left of the eel.
redape99_: It only took about 10 seconds for the heron to devour the remnants of the eel,
redape99_: Only 30 yards downstream the otter caught another fish and began eating again!
redape99_: Maybe eel wasn't to it's taste!
redape99_: After finishing the fish the otter slides silently back into the river.
redape99_: And swims off downstream in search of more food.
redape99_: This small sandy bank opposite the Franciscan Well pub offers a chance for another shake and a rest.
redape99_: The otter finally heads off down towards the Lee Fields.