Soleto Enrico photography: SDIM1061.jpgrree
Soleto Enrico photography: scrawls on the wall
Soleto Enrico photography: scalinata s.antonio
Soleto Enrico photography: scalinata s.antonio
Soleto Enrico photography: giace in altura
Soleto Enrico photography: DEGRADO STORICO
Soleto Enrico photography: buccheri -veduta dal castello-
Soleto Enrico photography: domenica delle palme
Soleto Enrico photography: buccheri dal crocifisso
Soleto Enrico photography: ingegner meccanico peppiiino
Soleto Enrico photography: MUSICANTE ERRANTE
Soleto Enrico photography: s.m.maddalena church
Soleto Enrico photography: church of patrons