1946pixels: One dance
1946pixels: You're still free
1946pixels: a line in the water
1946pixels: We just got caught up in the moment
1946pixels: Temple of Debod
1946pixels: The revolution's coming, it's a minute away
1946pixels: “If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans”
1946pixels: Infierno y paraíso
1946pixels: Young blood
1946pixels: Abre los ojos antes que la rutina
1946pixels: Under the same moon
1946pixels: Like these north winds,
1946pixels: Octobers.
1946pixels: Hearts alive
1946pixels: Ahí te dejo Madrid
1946pixels: you'll never be as young as today
1946pixels: If you say go,
1946pixels: Landslide
1946pixels: Lost in the moment
1946pixels: Wild and free
1946pixels: Unexpected shows of nature
1946pixels: sit down by the river, and you will find
1946pixels: You are never gonna keep me down
1946pixels: I believe in the good things coming
1946pixels: We'll make a difference
1946pixels: We're going somewhere where the sun is shining bright
1946pixels: Tempestad
1946pixels: Can you touch it?
1946pixels: Lost stars
1946pixels: Who are we?