The Intrepid Traveler: henry henry
The Intrepid Traveler: maroon bells
The Intrepid Traveler: maroon bells. or IS IT
The Intrepid Traveler: pave paradise, put up a
The Intrepid Traveler: "only in aspen"
The Intrepid Traveler: eye of the aspen
The Intrepid Traveler: patrick's glider
The Intrepid Traveler: dave frank for cache cache
The Intrepid Traveler: we're alive!
The Intrepid Traveler: up and down
The Intrepid Traveler: downtown aspen
The Intrepid Traveler: off the ground
The Intrepid Traveler: cowboy stare
The Intrepid Traveler: andrew and oscar
The Intrepid Traveler: maroon bells
The Intrepid Traveler: sunglasses
The Intrepid Traveler: post soccer game
The Intrepid Traveler: brown bears! oh my!
The Intrepid Traveler: 4th fireworks
The Intrepid Traveler: andrew again
The Intrepid Traveler: Very Large Array
The Intrepid Traveler: both ends of the rainbow
The Intrepid Traveler: maroon bells squared
The Intrepid Traveler: not from aspen
The Intrepid Traveler: true patriot
The Intrepid Traveler: probably an intimate moment that i wasn't supposed to witness
The Intrepid Traveler: cute american girls doing american things