The Intrepid Traveler: one last look at the castle
The Intrepid Traveler: buckethead, again
The Intrepid Traveler: punks cruise the causeway
The Intrepid Traveler: soggy scotland
The Intrepid Traveler: me, on the crammond causeway
The Intrepid Traveler: end london rule
The Intrepid Traveler: millions of me
The Intrepid Traveler: end of the presentation
The Intrepid Traveler: edinburgh, through the camera obscura
The Intrepid Traveler: inside the camera obscura
The Intrepid Traveler: coal chimneys
The Intrepid Traveler: edinburgh skyline
The Intrepid Traveler: true voyeurism
The Intrepid Traveler: ray of light
The Intrepid Traveler: dad and i, in the vortex
The Intrepid Traveler: horrifying
The Intrepid Traveler: shot from the castle
The Intrepid Traveler: pub on high street
The Intrepid Traveler: floor of a scottish pub
The Intrepid Traveler: in the women's bathroom
The Intrepid Traveler: my second portion of haggis, neaps, and toddies
The Intrepid Traveler: says it all
The Intrepid Traveler: street performer
The Intrepid Traveler: it was a dark and stormy night...