recorderist: Entrance gate to Glasgow Necropolis
recorderist: William Miller's monument, bronze decoration stolen!
recorderist: William Miller - author of Wee Willie Winkie
recorderist: Grave by Alexander "Greek" Thompson
recorderist: Detail on gravestone representing chivalry
recorderist: Kenny looking, well....grumpy
recorderist: Wings lifing the spirit away
recorderist: Stroe cupboard under the necropolis
recorderist: Necropolis looking out over south side
recorderist: John Knox looking out over Glasgow
recorderist: Grave detail, complete with ned vandelism
recorderist: John Henry Alexander's tomb - the Cameron Mackinstosh of his day
recorderist: Music detail on Alexander's grave
recorderist: Blue and Whitevale flats
recorderist: Blue and Whitevale flats