Rebelxti1: The spring
Rebelxti1: Location
Rebelxti1: Timeless stone work
Rebelxti1: Timeless stone work
Rebelxti1: Fireplace.
Rebelxti1: An old single tree stuck in the chimney.
Rebelxti1: I found this nail stuck in the chimney
Rebelxti1: Rebelxti1 003
Rebelxti1: Rebelxti1 002
Rebelxti1: Rebelxti1 001
Rebelxti1: Barrel Maker
Rebelxti1: Ed Lunsford Home
Rebelxti1: Ed Lunsford Home
Rebelxti1: Fireplace
Rebelxti1: Open window
Rebelxti1: Ed Hollow
Rebelxti1: Back door
Rebelxti1: The Buzzard Roost
Rebelxti1: The Buzzard Roost
Rebelxti1: The Buzzard Roost
Rebelxti1: The Buzzard Roost
Rebelxti1: The Buzzard Roost
Rebelxti1: The Buzzard Roost
Rebelxti1: The Buzzard Roost
Rebelxti1: The Buzzard Roost
Rebelxti1: The Buzzard Roost
Rebelxti1: Newt Nichols home place.
Rebelxti1: Newt Nichols home place.
Rebelxti1: Sloans Mill
Rebelxti1: Sloans Mill