Mi-ly: Me and Grammy
Mi-ly: Me and my Dad
Mi-ly: Dad and Mom - 2007
Mi-ly: Dad and Mom - 1947
Mi-ly: Mom and Dad - Sailing to Europe
Mi-ly: Dad and Mom - Newlyweds
Mi-ly: Wedding Day - 1947
Mi-ly: Place Cards - Parents Anniversary
Mi-ly: San Juan Batista
Mi-ly: My Dad in the '70's
Mi-ly: Playing Frisbee at Seacliff Beach
Mi-ly: Christmas '08
Mi-ly: He liked his quilt (but he flipped over the $2.00 flashlight!)
Mi-ly: Mums
Mi-ly: Happy 82nd Birthday Mom!
Mi-ly: Happy 82nd Birthday Mom!
Mi-ly: Happy 82nd Birthday Mom!
Mi-ly: Gravestone of Maternal Great and Gr.Gr. Grandmothers
Mi-ly: Gravestone of Maternal Great and Gr.Gr. Grandmothers
Mi-ly: Maternal Grandmothers
Mi-ly: Great Grandmother and Great Uncle
Mi-ly: Family History
Mi-ly: Family History
Mi-ly: Family
Mi-ly: Family
Mi-ly: Parents
Mi-ly: Parents
Mi-ly: Dad
Mi-ly: Dad still plays the keyboards by heart.
Mi-ly: Mom liked the tea towel we brought her