Rebecca Tabor Armstrong: Keeps her memories extended years back, so it makes everything she hears now seem very far away.
Rebecca Tabor Armstrong: This is a monster in a box & all it eats is sugar so you can understand how it got to be so fierce.
Rebecca Tabor Armstrong: Most people she never tells about the tightrope because she doesn't want to listen to their helpful comments from the ground.
Rebecca Tabor Armstrong: There came a moment in the middle of the song when he suddenly felt every heartbeat in the room & after that he never forgot he was part of something much bigger.
Rebecca Tabor Armstrong: When she held out her arms, the world itself wrapped around her & held her tight.
Rebecca Tabor Armstrong: This is a tree on fire with love.
Rebecca Tabor Armstrong: Sharp things that hurt for years afterwards every time you think of them.
Rebecca Tabor Armstrong: Impartial judge unless there are treats involved.
Rebecca Tabor Armstrong: They came to sit & dangle their feet off the edge of the world & after awhile they forgot everything but the good & true things they would do someday.
Rebecca Tabor Armstrong: Opening a door to the mysteries, hoping to shed a little dark on all the stuff we think we know.
Rebecca Tabor Armstrong: There are lives I can imagine without children but none of them have the same laughter & noise.
Rebecca Tabor Armstrong: Walking with loud giant steps while she can because she's already noticed that when you grow up, even if you do keep walking as big as you can, you have to be quiet about it, or other people get headaches.
Rebecca Tabor Armstrong: Trying on new looks because the old ones take too long in the morning & everyone just thinks "O, she's wearing that old thing again" anyway.
Rebecca Tabor Armstrong: You see me better than I am, she said & I'm worried what'll happen when your vision changes.
Rebecca Tabor Armstrong: This holds a promise to all the children of the world, which is how you can tell it's a real dream of America & not one of those dreams of fear & death that glitter so brightly on tv.
Rebecca Tabor Armstrong: I hope it will be said we taught them to stand tall & proud, even in the face of history & the future was made new & whole for us all, one child at a time.
Rebecca Tabor Armstrong: There are lives I can imagine without children but none of them have the same laughter & noise.
Rebecca Tabor Armstrong: This is a box filled with all the time in the world & most people are amazed it fits in such a small space.