Rebecca Stone:
The Gumpert Apollo
Rebecca Stone:
Evomsit Intelligent Tuning Porsche
Rebecca Stone:
Drew Larrigan and Jason Tang
Rebecca Stone:
Causing a stir on Microsoft Campus
Rebecca Stone:
Gumpert Racing
Rebecca Stone:
Drew Larrigan with Promo
Rebecca Stone:
Paparazzi vs Paparazzi
Rebecca Stone:
Red, Drew, Yellow
Rebecca Stone:
Emily our host
Rebecca Stone:
Film Crew
Rebecca Stone:
Fits like a glove...
Rebecca Stone:
Drew Larrigan
Rebecca Stone:
Drew and Matt Carrick
Rebecca Stone:
Feigning Interest
Rebecca Stone:
Alex, Promo, Todd
Rebecca Stone:
Milling About
Rebecca Stone:
Eye Catching...
Rebecca Stone:
Microsoft Commons
Rebecca Stone:
The Gumpert Apollo
Rebecca Stone:
Rebecca Stone:
Is it street legal? Yes...
Rebecca Stone:
Rebecca Stone:
Maxrpm Motorsports Porsche
Rebecca Stone:
Rebecca Stone:
Maxrpm Motorsports
Rebecca Stone:
Causing a Commotion at the Commons
Rebecca Stone:
Rebecca Stone:
Rebecca Stone:
Rebecca Stone: