Rebecca Ellen: Waiting to hit the water
Rebecca Ellen: The spectators get ready
Rebecca Ellen: The line up at the Woods Bay beach
Rebecca Ellen: Lifeguards!
Rebecca Ellen: Scenes from a Crowd
Rebecca Ellen: Old Man 2011
Rebecca Ellen: 3...2...1...GO
Rebecca Ellen: On our way in!
Rebecca Ellen: That's me in the middle
Rebecca Ellen: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Rebecca Ellen: Emerging
Rebecca Ellen: Quick, hand me towels!
Rebecca Ellen: Nice hat, dude
Rebecca Ellen: Here comes the polar bear!
Rebecca Ellen: Silver Foxes and Polar Bears
Rebecca Ellen: We did it!
Rebecca Ellen: Baby New Year's on the way!
Rebecca Ellen: 2012 Floats In
Rebecca Ellen: Waiting for more plungers
Rebecca Ellen: A polar bear makes friends
Rebecca Ellen: Polar Bear Plunge Mascot
Rebecca Ellen: Hi, sailor!
Rebecca Ellen: The Funny Hat Kayak Crew 1
Rebecca Ellen: The Funny Hat Kayak Crew 2
Rebecca Ellen: Santa Claus is plunging into town
Rebecca Ellen: Kayakers, Plungers
Rebecca Ellen: The last of the polar bear plungers