Spiritual Alchemist ™ MIsti Cooper and Soul Photographer™ Rebecca Dru are traveling through the Atlantis Stargate Portal at Atantis Sedona....
Spiritual Alchemist ™ MIsti Cooper and Soul Photographer™ Rebecca Dru are traveling through the Atlantis Stargate Portal at Atantis Sedona....
Spiritual Alchemist ™ MIsti Cooper and Soul Photographer™ Rebecca Dru are traveling through the Atlantis Stargate Portal at Atantis Sedona....
Spiritual Alchemist ™ MIsti Cooper and Soul Photographer™ Rebecca Dru are traveling through the Atlantis Stargate Portal at Atantis Sedona....
Soul Photographer™ Rebecca Dru, Spiritual Alchemist ™ MIsti Cooper and Amanda Romania The Soul Artisan at Akashic Therapy are traveling through the Atlantis Stargate Portal at Atantis Sedona....
Soul Photographer™ Rebecca Dru, Spiritual Alchemist ™ MIsti Cooper and Amanda Romania The Soul Artisan at Akashic Therapy are traveling through the Atlantis Stargate Portal at Atantis Sedona....
Spiritual Alchemist ™ MIsti Cooper is feeling strong while doing some ocotillo hugging...
Spiritual Alchemist ™ MIsti Cooper is feeling strong while doing some ocotillo hugging...
I was creepin' up from behind to take a surprise shot of Spiritual Alchemist™ Misti Cooper...it's a great view of the Scottsdale valley.
I was creepin' up from behind to take a surprise shot of Spiritual Alchemist™ Misti Cooper...it's a great view of the Scottsdale valley.
Spiritual Alchemist ™ MIsti Cooper is doing so many energetic healings that she is enveloped in rainbow flames of light and blue and purple orbs...