RebeccaDouglas: Rhino - Howletts
RebeccaDouglas: Howletts
RebeccaDouglas: Howletts
RebeccaDouglas: Howletts
RebeccaDouglas: Elephants at Howletts
RebeccaDouglas: Tiger at Howletts
RebeccaDouglas: Tiger at Howletts
RebeccaDouglas: Squirrel in St James's Park
RebeccaDouglas: Misu - named after tiramisu which translates as pick me up and you can't resist picking him up!!
RebeccaDouglas: Randomly 5 of these dogs were outside Canterbury Cathedral
RebeccaDouglas: 2011_02_26_douglas_rebecca_1
RebeccaDouglas: Meerkat (Surica surica)
RebeccaDouglas: Ring-tailed Lemur (Lemur catta) - A mother's love
RebeccaDouglas: Penguin, Humboldt's (Spheniscus homboldti)
RebeccaDouglas: Lemur Ring-tailed (Lemur catta) Mother & Baby