Rebecca_bexxi: Floor plaque
Rebecca_bexxi: Gilded stone detail
Rebecca_bexxi: Sofa to go
Rebecca_bexxi: Ceiling detail
Rebecca_bexxi: Frames 1
Rebecca_bexxi: St Blasien
Rebecca_bexxi: St Blasien
Rebecca_bexxi: Fountain detail
Rebecca_bexxi: Framed fountain
Rebecca_bexxi: Windows
Rebecca_bexxi: Mill reflection
Rebecca_bexxi: More reflections
Rebecca_bexxi: Vineyard at sundown
Rebecca_bexxi: Straw bales 1
Rebecca_bexxi: Straw bales 2
Rebecca_bexxi: Reflections
Rebecca_bexxi: Münster Bern
Rebecca_bexxi: North of the Nydeggbrücke
Rebecca_bexxi: Zur Kornhausbrücke
Rebecca_bexxi: Tanglewood Tales
Rebecca_bexxi: Cracked and screwed
Rebecca_bexxi: Stranded
Rebecca_bexxi: Woodface
Rebecca_bexxi: Closeup
Rebecca_bexxi: Schauinsland
Rebecca_bexxi: Lines, curves, shadows
Rebecca_bexxi: On the towpath