featheredpennyphoto: I am grateful for color.
featheredpennyphoto: I am grateful for being employed.
featheredpennyphoto: I am grateful for dogs.
featheredpennyphoto: dressed for mourning
featheredpennyphoto: .cherries 16.7.2010
featheredpennyphoto: Bench Monday::25th Birthday Edition
featheredpennyphoto: character of old books
featheredpennyphoto: Orange chicken and steamed rice
featheredpennyphoto: photographs that tell the wanderlust of years smashed onto years
featheredpennyphoto: Merry Christmas!
featheredpennyphoto: Bench Monday: "Readin, Ritin, Rithmatic" Edition
featheredpennyphoto: Nature and books belong to the eyes that see them.
featheredpennyphoto: 1942 Household Searchlight
featheredpennyphoto: Bench Monday 5/31:: "mom lost her job" edition
featheredpennyphoto: There was no final scene, no frozen frame; I just watched it slowly fade away.
featheredpennyphoto: [empty whispers]
featheredpennyphoto: life happens
featheredpennyphoto: end of romance?
featheredpennyphoto: key to my.......heart?
featheredpennyphoto: Bench Monday: Eclipse Edition
featheredpennyphoto: 39.365 (revisiting California)