featheredpennyphoto: Bench Monday::25th Birthday Edition
featheredpennyphoto: 365(25)3: Inside my craft bag..
featheredpennyphoto: contemplation 365(25)4
featheredpennyphoto: 365(25)5::Dinner in heels
featheredpennyphoto: HBM! [365(25)8]
featheredpennyphoto: .out of place.
featheredpennyphoto: I am here to live out loud.
featheredpennyphoto: ::wishes [365(25)11]
featheredpennyphoto: Let us celebrate the occasion with wine and sweet words.
featheredpennyphoto: gratuitous good hair day.
featheredpennyphoto: pickin wild flowers
featheredpennyphoto: Bench Monday "I need a vacation!" edition
featheredpennyphoto: ...and thus begins the death of the sun.
featheredpennyphoto: Wings for Ellie
featheredpennyphoto: In full bloom.
featheredpennyphoto: the world springs back to life after a rainstorm.
featheredpennyphoto: day 21: turkey goulash
featheredpennyphoto: Bench Monday: Eclipse Edition
featheredpennyphoto: I ♥ sparklers
featheredpennyphoto: harmless enigma