yodelingisfun: millipede
yodelingisfun: defeated post hike
yodelingisfun: is this an orchid?
yodelingisfun: the rock i dangled from
yodelingisfun: yup dangling
yodelingisfun: I dangled from a cliff to take this photo
yodelingisfun: a whole load of alien spike plants
yodelingisfun: alien plant with spikes
yodelingisfun: mile 3.5?
yodelingisfun: big bug
yodelingisfun: calander photo
yodelingisfun: postcard photo
yodelingisfun: another waterfall
yodelingisfun: tree stump
yodelingisfun: waterfall # whatever...
yodelingisfun: on a rock in a river, resting
yodelingisfun: the view looking up
yodelingisfun: the waterfall to plunge over should I fall in
yodelingisfun: reaching for shore
yodelingisfun: who knows...this is mile 2.3
yodelingisfun: waterfall #3 i think
yodelingisfun: starting the next 9 freaking miles of the hike
yodelingisfun: resting at outlook thingy
yodelingisfun: viewing down