The Beaches of Ta-Wahi...
The Beaches of Ta-Wahi - Takua
Looking out to Sea
A Chance Meeting
Guard, Chronicler, and Legend
Recon 794: Front
Recon 794: Pose
Recon 794: Rear
Recon 794: Scout
Recon 794: Stance
Recon 794: Longing
Jaller, Captain of the Guard
Jaller, Back
Jaller, Disk at the ready
This belongs to you?
Only once...
Takua chats with Gali
Takua getting a ride from Pohatu
Bionicles - 2001
Notoua: Warrior of the Caverns
Notoua: Front
Notoua: Strike
Notoua: Stance
Notoua: Back
Kaigeru: Gentle Hunters
Kaigeru: Face