{Jim.Kromastus}: And so begins my Marathon Journey
{Jim.Kromastus}: AHH! Pfhor!
{Jim.Kromastus}: I pureed him with my fists
{Jim.Kromastus}: Well damn, my colony ship got boarded by aliens
{Jim.Kromastus}: Thank god for overlay maps
{Jim.Kromastus}: Lost in corridors
{Jim.Kromastus}: I can see them, but they can't see me
{Jim.Kromastus}: Another Terminal
{Jim.Kromastus}: Somone, or Something has been hacking this terminal
{Jim.Kromastus}: Glorious, a shield recharge terminal
{Jim.Kromastus}: There's a button to press
{Jim.Kromastus}: The exit, to the next level
{Jim.Kromastus}: Hmm, computer-hacker aliens...Well
{Jim.Kromastus}: Objective; Kill Pfhor, get to terminal
{Jim.Kromastus}: Well, that's cheery
{Jim.Kromastus}: Helllo there Mr MA-75
{Jim.Kromastus}: I made stairs appear
{Jim.Kromastus}: YES! Another Save Terminal
{Jim.Kromastus}: Oh boy, a manual on doors
{Jim.Kromastus}: A Biobus Chip....how do I get it
{Jim.Kromastus}: Defences are down, AIs going nuts, I'm not having a good day