SpooAddicts & the SpooCrew: 1/52 Audrey is a magnet for joy!
SpooAddicts & the SpooCrew: 2/52 Looking for an opportunity for happiness
SpooAddicts & the SpooCrew: 3/52 Find your blanket
SpooAddicts & the SpooCrew: 4/52 Audrey knows how to create fun!
SpooAddicts & the SpooCrew: Happiness is a seed nurturing inside 5/52
SpooAddicts & the SpooCrew: Thinking while sipping Sunday Morning coffee 6/52
SpooAddicts & the SpooCrew: Fun is a doorway to happiness 7/52
SpooAddicts & the SpooCrew: 8/52 Look forward not back.
SpooAddicts & the SpooCrew: A new day begins 11/52
SpooAddicts & the SpooCrew: 13/52 Always look for opportunities. To bark.
SpooAddicts & the SpooCrew: 14/52 Audrey’s inner Hepburn
SpooAddicts & the SpooCrew: I am Audrey 15/52
SpooAddicts & the SpooCrew: Audrey, shot from the hip, unbrushed and ungroomed 16/52
SpooAddicts & the SpooCrew: 18/52 Audrey looks for a lift
SpooAddicts & the SpooCrew: 19/52 Decipher the fluff
SpooAddicts & the SpooCrew: Um, Mom? I would prefer to wait for the groomer. 20/52
SpooAddicts & the SpooCrew: Audrey wants to please. 21/52
SpooAddicts & the SpooCrew: Audrey’s well being is paramount. 22/52
SpooAddicts & the SpooCrew: Audrey is confident 24/52
SpooAddicts & the SpooCrew: Audrey is ready to fuel her….ummm……soul. 25/52
SpooAddicts & the SpooCrew: Audrey is tired after celebrating 26/52
SpooAddicts & the SpooCrew: Audrey’s soul is happiest, hunting lizards, outside. 27/52
SpooAddicts & the SpooCrew: Don’t feel like@doing much of anything. 28/52
SpooAddicts & the SpooCrew: And then there were two….. 29/52
SpooAddicts & the SpooCrew: My girlie and me 30/52
SpooAddicts & the SpooCrew: 31/52 poodle sculpture
SpooAddicts & the SpooCrew: This Chillin’ poodle “ain’t no Strudel” 32/52
SpooAddicts & the SpooCrew: Our flower child living life large 33/52
SpooAddicts & the SpooCrew: Audrey makes it clear. 34/52
SpooAddicts & the SpooCrew: It doesn’t matter to her what time it is. 35/52