SpooAddicts & the SpooCrew:
Hello! It’s me again! Owen! 1/52
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Folded poodle 2/52
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Break out your hat and scarf! 3/52
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Owen makes a statement 4/52
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5/52 Owen enjoys the Front porch of his home
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And sometimes? You just rest. 6/52
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You can be your own valentine. 7/52
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Owen is courageous 8/52
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His eyes say it all. 9/52
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Serious, with a sense of humor. 10/52
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Learn to be still 11/52
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Welcome to Owen’s world 12/52
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A milk snack 13/52
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Every day with Owen is beautiful 14/52
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15/52 Owen has a wingwoman. She is also his “sister”
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Standing tall 16/52
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Owen is the master of productivity 17/52
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Owen’s old soul is quite tolerant of giving up the spotlight to his little sister Audrey. 18/52
SpooAddicts & the SpooCrew:
I’ll bet you 5 dog treats if he makes this putt! 19/52
SpooAddicts & the SpooCrew:
20/52 Create a space you love with ones you love
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Where is Iowa, Mom? 21/52
SpooAddicts & the SpooCrew:
22/52 She has Owen’s back
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Owen gives life perspective 23/52
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It’s all how you look at things 24/52
SpooAddicts & the SpooCrew:
Happy Father’s Day to the most incredible Man. 25/52
SpooAddicts & the SpooCrew:
Owen is uniquely Owen 26/52
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Loose lips sink ships 27/52
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Bad Mom, Bad photo 28/52
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Owen enjoys a thoughtful moment 29/52
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30/52 Early morning golden light on Owen