RealMattKane: DOT Truck on FDR Drive after Sandy
RealMattKane: Queensboro Bridge and Roosevelt Island
RealMattKane: East River Promenade post-Sandy
RealMattKane: Empty FDR at 63rd St
RealMattKane: Jogger on empty FDR
RealMattKane: Debris from East River flooding
RealMattKane: Empty FDR tunnel at 60th Street
RealMattKane: Under the Queensboro Bridge
RealMattKane: Under the Queensboro Bridge
RealMattKane: Flood debris on an abandoned FDR
RealMattKane: Queensboro Bridge from the FDR
RealMattKane: Washed up sediment on empty FDR Drive after Sandy
RealMattKane: FDR drive empty after Sandy
RealMattKane: Empty FDR tunnel
RealMattKane: Empty FDR tunnel
RealMattKane: Empty FDR tunnel
RealMattKane: Quik Park pumping out
RealMattKane: Downed trees on 1st Ave
RealMattKane: First Avenue traffic after Sandy
RealMattKane: Fallen tree on 1st Ave
RealMattKane: Block roped off for some kind of falling debris
RealMattKane: Block roped off for some kind of falling debris
RealMattKane: National Guard on 57th Street
RealMattKane: FDR empty at 53rd St
RealMattKane: Empty FDR at 53rd St
RealMattKane: FDR abandoned at 53rd St
RealMattKane: FDR abandoned at 53rd Street
RealMattKane: New Yorkers charging up gadgets after Sandy
RealMattKane: AMR ambulances staged at the UN
RealMattKane: Shattered glass at MTA bus shelter