Gary Walton: Abandoned beaver pond
Gary Walton: Black spruce forest
Gary Walton: White cedar swamp
Gary Walton: White cedar swamp
Gary Walton: Rock outcrop and floating peat island
Gary Walton: Beaver Dam
Gary Walton: Beaver Pond
Gary Walton: Heart-leaf Birch (Betula cordifolia)
Gary Walton: Floating marsh
Gary Walton: Dolomedes triton
Gary Walton: Beaver Pond
Gary Walton: Beaver pond and lodge
Gary Walton: Black spruce swamp
Gary Walton: Mixed species conifer swamp
Gary Walton: Mixed species conifer swamp
Gary Walton: Mixed species conifer swamp
Gary Walton: Black spruce swamp
Gary Walton: Lichen
Gary Walton: Lichen