Gary Walton: Waves at L'Abbe Point
Gary Walton: Waves at L'Abbe Point
Gary Walton: Waves at L'Abbe Point
Gary Walton: Campanula rotundifolia (harebell) on Lake Superior Shore
Gary Walton: Cirsium pitcheri (Pitcher's thistle, dune thistle)
Gary Walton: Tanacetum huronense (Lake Huron Tansy) at the Grand Sable Dunes
Gary Walton: Pinguicula vulgaris (violet butterwort) and Drosera rotundifolia (round-leaved sundew)
Gary Walton: Pinguicula vulgaris (violet butterwort)
Gary Walton: Hudsonia tomentosa (beach heather)
Gary Walton: Corallorhiza striata (striped coral-root orchid)
Gary Walton: Goodyera oblongifolia (Giant Rattlesnake-plantain)
Gary Walton: Shepherdia canadensis (rabbit-berry)
Gary Walton: Shepherdia canadensis (rabbit-berry)
Gary Walton: Lake Superior Shore
Gary Walton: Lake Superior Shore
Gary Walton: Pinguicula vulgaris
Gary Walton: Pinguicula vulgaris
Gary Walton: Primula mistassinica (Mistassini Primrose)
Gary Walton: Primula mistassinica (Mistassini Primrose)
Gary Walton: Caddisfly larva in a splash pool
Gary Walton: Pseudacris maculata (Boreal Chorus Frog)
Gary Walton: Pseudacris maculata (Boreal Chorus Frog) tadpole
Gary Walton: Pseudacris maculata (Boreal Chorus Frog) tadpoles
Gary Walton: Diploschistes actinostomus?
Gary Walton: Lichen
Gary Walton: Lichen
Gary Walton: Lichen