Gary Walton: Shrub Carr
Gary Walton: Vernal Pond
Gary Walton: Vernal pond
Gary Walton: Vernal Pond
Gary Walton: Snowstorm in the marsh
Gary Walton: Snowstorm in the marsh
Gary Walton: April Showers
Gary Walton: Spring flood frozen
Gary Walton: Spring flood frozen
Gary Walton: Good-bye snow, hello flood
Gary Walton: Winter or spring?
Gary Walton: Black Spruce Swamp Forest
Gary Walton: Ephemeral Pond Without Water
Gary Walton: Ephemeral Pond Without Water
Gary Walton: Viola cucullata
Gary Walton: Marsh Marigold (Caltha palustris)
Gary Walton: Chrysoplenium americanum
Gary Walton: Chrysosplenium americanum
Gary Walton: Vernal pond in a forest
Gary Walton: Vernal Pond
Gary Walton: Vernal Pond
Gary Walton: Trees and sky reflected in a vernal pond
Gary Walton: Trees and sky reflected in a vernal pond
Gary Walton: Conifer swamp
Gary Walton: Vernal pond in a forest
Gary Walton: Vernal pool in a forest
Gary Walton: Ephemeral spring
Gary Walton: Yellow birch (Betula allegheniensis) in a forested wetland
Gary Walton: Yellow birch (Betula allegheniensis) in a forested wetland
Gary Walton: Black ash seepage swamp