Gary Walton: Opalka Tomato
Gary Walton: Red Currant Tomato seedling
Gary Walton: Black Russian Tomato seedling
Gary Walton: Tiny Red Currant Tomatoes
Gary Walton: Tiny Red Currant Tomato Seedlings
Gary Walton: Tiny Red Currant Tomato Seedlings
Gary Walton: Elberta Tomato
Gary Walton: Eva tomato transplant
Gary Walton: Eva tomato transplant
Gary Walton: Brandywine Tomato severely frost damaged plant
Gary Walton: Brandywine Tomato minor frost damage
Gary Walton: Eva Purple Tomato severely frost damaged plant and replacement
Gary Walton: Opalka Tomato severely frost damaged plant
Gary Walton: Elberta tomato plant
Gary Walton: Silvery Fir Tomato Plant
Gary Walton: Another view of the raised bed's progress
Gary Walton: Layer of soil over bedding/manure in the raised bed
Gary Walton: Three layers of the raised bed: bedding/manure/soil/spoiled hay
Gary Walton: Putting down the first layer in the raised bed
Gary Walton: Stakes to stabilize post
Gary Walton: Raised Bed for Tomatoes
Gary Walton: Tomato Plants Potted Up
Gary Walton: Tomato leaves
Gary Walton: Tomato
Gary Walton: Tomatoes