Gary Walton: Abies balsamea (Balsam Fir)
Gary Walton: Acer spicatum (mountain maple)
Gary Walton: Actaea pachypoda (Doll's Eyes Baneberry)
Gary Walton: Amanita muscaria (Fly Agaric or Fly Amanita)
Gary Walton: Amanita muscaria (Fly Agaric or Fly Amanita)
Gary Walton: An April Day in the Woods
Gary Walton: An ephemeral stream
Gary Walton: An ephemeral stream
Gary Walton: An orange bolete
Gary Walton: An orange bolete
Gary Walton: Anemone (Hepatica) americana
Gary Walton: Anemone quinquefolia (woodland anemone)
Gary Walton: Anemone quinquefolia (woodland anemone)
Gary Walton: Aralia nudicaulis (Wild Sarsaparilla)
Gary Walton: Aralia nudicaulis (Wild Sarsaparilla)
Gary Walton: Asarum canadense (wild ginger)
Gary Walton: Asarum canadense (wild ginger)
Gary Walton: Aspen Bark
Gary Walton: Aspen forest overlooking flooded wetland
Gary Walton: Balsam fir trees broken during winter storm
Gary Walton: Betula allegheniensis (Yellow Birch) Bark
Gary Walton: Betula papyrifera (Paper Birch) with lichens and the algae Trentepohlia
Gary Walton: Big-tooth aspen bark
Gary Walton: Black Ash-Red Maple Seepage Swamp
Gary Walton: Black Ash-Red Maple Seepage Swamp
Gary Walton: Black Spruce Bog (Northern Open Bog)
Gary Walton: Black Spruce Swamp Forest
Gary Walton: Black Spruce in the Big Bog (Northern Poor Fen)
Gary Walton: Black Spruce strobili
Gary Walton: Black Spruce-Tamarack Swamp