Really Small: Stackduino - an Arduino DIY focus stacking controller - electronics rev 1.1
Really Small: Stackduino - Arduino DIY focus stacking controller electronics
Really Small: Stackduino - Arduino DIY focus stacking controller ports
Really Small: Stackduino - Arduino DIY focus stacking controller controls
Really Small: Automated Macro Focus Stacking Setup
Really Small: Stackduino - Component Layout
Really Small: Stackduino - Version 0.1
Really Small: Stackduino
Really Small: Stackduino PCB
Really Small: Stackduino PCB v2
Really Small: Stackduino PCB
Really Small: Stackduino PCB
Really Small: Stackduino Rev 1 pcbs
Really Small: Stackduino rev 1 pcb
Really Small: Stackduino pcb rev 1 top and bottom views
Really Small: Stackduino pcb rev 1 revised
Really Small: Stackduino v1 pcb
Really Small: Stackduino SMD Layout draft 1
Really Small: Stackduino SMD Draft Eagle Schematic
Really Small: Stackduino v1
Really Small: Stackduino SMD
Really Small: Stackduino board renders
Really Small: Stackduino 2 pcbs
Really Small: Stackduino 2 populated board
Really Small: Stackduino 2 v1.1 Schematic
Really Small: Stackduino 2.1
Really Small: Stackduino 2.1 OSH Park render
Really Small: All SMD components added to the board
Really Small: Into the old frying pan for cooking
Really Small: Securing the board in an 'adhesive strapping' jig