realaworld: 21 - Day 2 - Panorama - Life above the Clouds
realaworld: 66 - Day 5 - Helicopter flight out
realaworld: 65 - Day 5 - Serratus-Alpha col conditions
realaworld: 64 - Day 5 - The Alpine Club of Canadas Jim Haberl Hut
realaworld: 63 - Day 5 - Restocking the Haberl Hut propane
realaworld: 62 - Day 5 - Haberl Hut and environs
realaworld: 61 - Day 4 - Toasting a fallen comrade from days past
realaworld: 60 - Day 4 - Snowed out - High angle rope rescue stretcher rigging practice
realaworld: 59 - Day 4 - Snowed out - Experimenting with different brake systems
realaworld: 58 - Day 4 - Snowed out - Indoor ascending practice
realaworld: 57 - Day 3 - Building the next snow anchor rappell station
realaworld: 56 - Day 3 - Rappell down the steep snow
realaworld: 55 - Day 3 - Serratus Mountain summit shot
realaworld: 54 - Day 3 - Looking back over summit plateau
realaworld: 53 - Day 3 - Frontpointing and kicking in steps
realaworld: 52 - Day 3 - Up the next pitch
realaworld: 51 - Day 3 - John Looking up next pitch
realaworld: 50 - Day 3 - Mixed ice and rock climbing
realaworld: 49 - Day 3 - Serratus glacier terminus pond
realaworld: 48 - Day 3 - Ascending Serratus Glacier and dodging crevasses
realaworld: 47 - Day 3 - Carefully protecting route over crevasse
realaworld: 46 - Day 3 - On Serratus Glacier
realaworld: 45 - Day 3 - Carefully examining snow bridge over crevasse
realaworld: 44 - Day 3 - Looking down Serratus Glacier to Cloudy Squamish River Valley
realaworld: 43 - Day 3 - Serratus Glacier crevasses
realaworld: 42 - Day 3 - Contemplating best route up Serratus Glacier to Serratus summit
realaworld: 41 - Day 3 - Descending Serratus Glacier
realaworld: 40 - Day 3 - Roped up and ready to embark
realaworld: 39 - Day 2 - Recrossing Dione Glacier
realaworld: 38 - Day 2 - Rappelling down the gully 2