realaworld: Thoughtcrime
realaworld: You Think That Had Anything to do with Why they are Out of Business?
realaworld: Why Don't They Just Go Ahead and Say it - "No Rednecks"
realaworld: The Real Question - Why are they Watering Astroturf?
realaworld: Good Advice
realaworld: Sad That Vancouver Stores Need These Signs
realaworld: The hippie sign makers have a sense of humour
realaworld: Perhaps not, but it can take cool pictures of your graffiti
realaworld: Ya, this city is run by a bunch of hippies
realaworld: [Thumps Chest] We Were MEN!
realaworld: Ah Vancouver
realaworld: We're Not Supposed to Go That Way
realaworld: ...Or Here
realaworld: Wrong Side of the Ridge Run
realaworld: Oh Baby
realaworld: Well, it is a *Ski* Hill
realaworld: Heads Up
realaworld: Whistler Village Gondola
realaworld: CIMG2279a
realaworld: Don't think I can Drive There
realaworld: Not the Kind with Skates
realaworld: I'm Betting Political Staffer, not Civil Servant
realaworld: No Swimming
realaworld: I'd Actually Like to see Someone Try
realaworld: Here Kitty-Kitty-Kitty
realaworld: Two Points are not Quite Right
realaworld: I don't think they quite understand the point
realaworld: My Plan For The Day Was Not Going to be A Walk in the Park (the sign said so)