real00 [pause on posting]: Corner of Trade and Commerce, ca. 1999
real00 [pause on posting]: Play Horse in Sharpsburg playground, ca. 2000
real00 [pause on posting]: Former American Airlines Terminal, JFK Airport, NY, 1999
real00 [pause on posting]: Pittsburgh, Bloomfield, Friendship Avenue at Night,, 1998
real00 [pause on posting]: Cleveland area, south of industrial flats, 1999
real00 [pause on posting]: Carnegie Museum of Art
real00 [pause on posting]: Pittsburgh, Carnegie Museum of Art, 1999-2000 Carnegie International, opening night, 1999
real00 [pause on posting]: Pittsburgh, Homestead, Warehouses, 1999
real00 [pause on posting]: Pittsburgh, Homestead, Warehouses,1999
real00 [pause on posting]: Pittsburgh, Homestead, Warehouses, cage, platform, and melting snow, 1999
real00 [pause on posting]: Carnegie Museum of Art, 1999
real00 [pause on posting]: Mt. Oliver, Pittsburgh, Clover at Berg Street, 1998
real00 [pause on posting]: Industrial landscape, Hazelwood, Pittsburgh
real00 [pause on posting]: Mixed Light, Pittsburgh, Point State Park looking east towards downtown, 1998
real00 [pause on posting]: Pittsburgh, Heppenstall plant, Lawrenceville
real00 [pause on posting]: Pittsburgh, skyline from strip district
real00 [pause on posting]: Under a bridge near Cleveland
real00 [pause on posting]: Hagan's, Cleveland flats
real00 [pause on posting]: Pittsburgh, Centre Avenue at Millvale, after a storm, 1999
real00 [pause on posting]: Clairton, PA, south of Pittsburgh