readwrite: ruin'd flare
readwrite: by grand design
readwrite: infinity
readwrite: fire, fire, fire
readwrite: fwoosh!
readwrite: circles, recurring
readwrite: dead centre
readwrite: Turn...
readwrite: over and over and over and over
readwrite: spinspinspin
readwrite: double whammy
readwrite: circle
readwrite: circle on circle
readwrite: huddled fire
readwrite: Swirl...
readwrite: Burn
readwrite: deep in the woods
readwrite: Burning on the beach
readwrite: another burn on the beach...
readwrite: on the rocks
readwrite: Daemon...
readwrite: Mental
readwrite: spiral spin
readwrite: burning ruin
readwrite: just at sunset...
readwrite: buddha burning
readwrite: jetsum
readwrite: encompassed
readwrite: Going like a bomb
readwrite: Oh. Hell. Yeah.