Reading Public Library: Ana & Peter work on their shelter
Reading Public Library: Ana & Peter are proud of their shelter
Reading Public Library: Ms. Waring explains the secret code portion of the obstacle course
Reading Public Library: Caroline and Lauren test stillness at the shark challenge
Reading Public Library: Ms. Fisher and Ms. Waring demonstrate the stillness challenge
Reading Public Library: Ms. Fisher explains the parts of the shark challenge
Reading Public Library: Spearing the shark
Reading Public Library: Edward & Ray explain their backpacks to Ms. Waring
Reading Public Library: Harrison takes aim at the shark
Reading Public Library: Huixin and Ms. Fisher at the shark stillness challenge
Reading Public Library: Huixin spears the shark
Reading Public Library: Isaac and Giulia at the shark challenge
Reading Public Library: Liam and Peter at the shark challenge
Reading Public Library: Liam's showing off his "stillness"
Reading Public Library: Meaghan explains the obstacle course
Reading Public Library: Party participants
Reading Public Library: Building a shelter
Reading Public Library: Tim takes on the obstacle course