Matt Hunt: Garden Wildlife: Araneus diadematus
Matt Hunt: AP Module 3: Camera angle alternative scene
Matt Hunt: Ice struck
Matt Hunt: Springer Spaniel
Matt Hunt: Natural History: Macro flowers 2
Matt Hunt: The Turkey Tail Fungi
Matt Hunt: Module 11 (Macro): Red cabbage
Matt Hunt: Module 11 (Macro): Poetry
Matt Hunt: Forks
Matt Hunt: Forks (ii)
Matt Hunt: Droplets
Matt Hunt: Dandelion head
Matt Hunt: Rain drops on glass
Matt Hunt: Cutlery, Spitalfields Market
Matt Hunt: Mist, spider web and cow parsley
Matt Hunt: The skeleton of a leaf
Matt Hunt: Flash lit leaf skeleton
Matt Hunt: Black and white forks
Matt Hunt: Montpelier Maple seeds
Matt Hunt: Flower: 2 snooted strobes
Matt Hunt: Flower: Shoot through umbrella
Matt Hunt: Hover fly (Parasyrphus punctulatus)
Matt Hunt: Spider in its web (Araneus diadematus)