Seoirse: Doocot: Interior Newark Castle, Port Glasgow
Seoirse: Luma Light Bulb Factory
Seoirse: Ayrshire Moon
Seoirse: Routemaster
Seoirse: Ford Torino with obligatory white 'laser' stripe
Seoirse: Patronal votive statue of Saint Francis of Assisi (Detail)
Seoirse: The Risen Christ, Saint Andrew and Saint John the Baptist
Seoirse: Tomb of Pope John XXIII of beloved memory
Seoirse: Richard of York gave battle in Vain.
Seoirse: These boots were made for walking
Seoirse: I am the walrus
Seoirse: 8th Century Fresco Saint Paul's without the walls
Seoirse: Rome's only pyramid
Seoirse: KIlwinning Abbey, Kilwinning, Scotland
Seoirse: The Celtic Huddle
Seoirse: The Falkirk Wheel
Seoirse: Bernini's Baldacchino over the High Altar, Saint Peter's in Rome (2 Sec exposure)
Seoirse: O Christmas Tree ! O Christmas Tree !
Seoirse: Shrine of Saint Sebastian
Seoirse: Pietá Michangelo Buonarroti (1499)