Seoirse: A wee bit of vanity
Seoirse: Poison Arrow Frog
Seoirse: Richard of York gave battle in Vain.
Seoirse: Ayrshire Moon
Seoirse: Fire at Auchenharvie School
Seoirse: Tomb of Pope John XXIII of beloved memory
Seoirse: Doocot: Interior Newark Castle, Port Glasgow
Seoirse: Modern Stained Glass : Saint Brendan
Seoirse: Jocelyn Gate, "McLennan's Arch", Glasgow Green
Seoirse: KIlwinning Abbey, Kilwinning, Scotland
Seoirse: Bernini's Baldacchino over the High Altar, Saint Peter's in Rome (2 Sec exposure)
Seoirse: Luma Light Bulb Factory
Seoirse: Tomb of Robert III, Paisley Abbey, Scotland
Seoirse: Cloch Lighthouse
Seoirse: Shrine of Saint Sebastian
Seoirse: Templeton's carpet factory, Glasgow
Seoirse: Saltcoats Beach Late Spring
Seoirse: Citizen Firefighter, Glasgow, Scotland
Seoirse: Sir, I am Come Home
Seoirse: The Falkirk Wheel
Seoirse: Castel Sant'Angelo (Hadrian's tomb)
Seoirse: Ayr by Night
Seoirse: Ayr Harbour
Seoirse: Laura's Roses
Seoirse: My Drive Home
Seoirse: Performing Parrots at the Fair
Seoirse: Red Tardis
Seoirse: Ramshorn theatre
Seoirse: The Crucifixion of Our Lord
Seoirse: Sandstone textures, Kilwining Abbey