rdng tchr: Mark's playing, too!
rdng tchr: Mark's playing, too!
rdng tchr: Mark's playing, too!
rdng tchr: Wet and bedraggled...
rdng tchr: Looking for trouble...
rdng tchr: Welcome to my gardens!
rdng tchr: Luna Moth.
rdng tchr: Macro Luna.
rdng tchr: Guarding the garden.
rdng tchr: For Don...
rdng tchr: Sunflowers in the snow...
rdng tchr: Sunflowers in the snow - 2
rdng tchr: It's snowing...
rdng tchr: Snow...again!
rdng tchr: Fading.
rdng tchr: Layers...
rdng tchr: Last hangers-on.
rdng tchr: Going to seed.
rdng tchr: Stones in the sunlight.
rdng tchr: Curvy snow...
rdng tchr: Frozen sweet gum...
rdng tchr: Bejewelled.
rdng tchr: Sparkly.
rdng tchr: Birch V
rdng tchr: Wonderland.
rdng tchr: Fire and ice.
rdng tchr: Worried look...
rdng tchr: The logging road.
rdng tchr: 30 degrees...
rdng tchr: Handsome.