rdng tchr: It's Pond Lily season in CT!
rdng tchr: Buddleia - butterfly bush
rdng tchr: Echinacea - purple coneflower
rdng tchr: The Richard Haley Memorial Garden
rdng tchr: One of my favorites...
rdng tchr: Gaillardia
rdng tchr: Coreopsis...
rdng tchr: More purple
rdng tchr: First butterfly of the day!
rdng tchr: And still more purple...
rdng tchr: Frog party!
rdng tchr: Mmmm...that was a good breakfast!
rdng tchr: Raindrops on grasses...
rdng tchr: Dragonfly...
rdng tchr: Droplets...
rdng tchr: Devouring the rose...
rdng tchr: Interesting critter of the day award!
rdng tchr: Stalking the wild butterfly...
rdng tchr: Defying gravity!
rdng tchr: Fungi in the lawn...
rdng tchr: Pond lily
rdng tchr: Still life
rdng tchr: Dragonfly in blue and green
rdng tchr: Pond lilies...
rdng tchr: Dragonflies in love.
rdng tchr: And another...
rdng tchr: Pine Acres Pond
rdng tchr: Reflections
rdng tchr: Another white caterpillar...
rdng tchr: Fungus...filled