rdng tchr: Leaving Bradley International for Colorado...
rdng tchr: Clouds over the midwest...
rdng tchr: Denver International Airport
rdng tchr: Hitting the road...
rdng tchr: I-70 Scenic views...
rdng tchr: I-70 West of Denver...
rdng tchr: Inside the Eisenhower Tunnel...
rdng tchr: Rocky Mountain High...
rdng tchr: Lunch Stop
rdng tchr: Great server!
rdng tchr: Old-fashioned ice cream parlor
rdng tchr: Downtown Idaho Springs, CO
rdng tchr: Idaho Springs
rdng tchr: Idaho Springs tourist attraction
rdng tchr: Train Info...
rdng tchr: Rental car extraordinaire!!
rdng tchr: Rest Area!
rdng tchr: Grizzly Creek meets the Colorado River...
rdng tchr: For those who like signs and info (like me...)
rdng tchr: A Promise Made...
rdng tchr: In English or Spanish...No Fishing to protect the Cutthroat Trout!
rdng tchr: Pearl Harbor Memorial
rdng tchr: Cool fun on a hot day!
rdng tchr: In one side...
rdng tchr: Approaching the tunnels...
rdng tchr: ...and out the other!
rdng tchr: Colorado sunflower...
rdng tchr: Stalking the wild grasshopper...
rdng tchr: More tunnels!!
rdng tchr: We're going higher and higher!