rdmegr: Overcoming the first difficulty - learning how to wear the hood
rdmegr: Learning how to wear the hood
rdmegr: Stewart in front of Baldwin Street Apt
rdmegr: Stewart and Karen in front of Baldwin Street Apt 2
rdmegr: Stewart and Karen in front of Baldwin Street Apt
rdmegr: Stewart and Margo in front of Baldwin Street Apt
rdmegr: The family in front of Baldwin Apt
rdmegr: Graduation Ceremony in Hill Auditorium
rdmegr: Chancellor Rhee of the DC Public Schools
rdmegr: Chancellor Rhee
rdmegr: Getting the diploma - sort of
rdmegr: Processing out
rdmegr: MACers
rdmegr: Stewart with other MACers
rdmegr: Showing off the (sort of) diploma
rdmegr: Stewart with Professor Pat Kenney