Marina Is: Verde y rojo
arbyreed: Bird of Paradise Malangen fjord
Brian Mangan Photography: Sture Compagniet Gardien de l'Orangerie
Oh Kaye, too: Go Tell it on the Mountain
Brian Mangan Photography: Lilla Essingen
BillsExplorations: recession....
Marina Is: Dandelion
PaulO Classic. ©: My Jumbled Mind
Marina Is: Valentina
jenichesney57: Leaf pattern.
BillsExplorations: across freshly harvested fields...
Marina Is: Cosmos
Marina Is: Hojas
ejbSF: Water tanks
clarkcg photography: Straws and Ribbons
blueachilles: 16th Century interior Aube au marais
BillsExplorations: inflows and outflows....
Brian Mangan Photography: Light & Shadows (4) - Kristineberg
BillsExplorations: and to all,a good night...(HSS)
BillsExplorations: the changes they are a comin'....
Marina Is: Tranquillity
Brian Mangan Photography: A very wet Autumn day (1) Attelage au gué