Ray and Alex: Alex getting ready for a banquet
Ray and Alex: Alex getting ready for a banquet
Ray and Alex: Sisters
Ray and Alex: Sisters
Ray and Alex: Sisters
Ray and Alex: Christmas tree
Ray and Alex: Alex's mom distributing
Ray and Alex: Alex's stepdad napping
Ray and Alex: Rachel
Ray and Alex: Alex's mom opening
Ray and Alex: Alex's mom
Ray and Alex: Alex and Ray
Ray and Alex: Ellie and her best sad look
Ray and Alex: Ellie and her sad look
Ray and Alex: Rachel and picture of Ian
Ray and Alex: Alex's mom opening
Ray and Alex: Rachel opening
Ray and Alex: Rache and Heidi
Ray and Alex: Christmas tree
Ray and Alex: Everyone gathered around
Ray and Alex: Rachel opening
Ray and Alex: Jess's foot
Ray and Alex: Michele with her new nutcracker
Ray and Alex: Jess opening under Seth's watchful eye