RwParis: mt charlston area
RwParis: left of Charleston
RwParis: charlston area sun rise
RwParis: standing alone
RwParis: tippy
RwParis: mt charlston
RwParis: mt. charlston
RwParis: standing tall
RwParis: in the middle of things
RwParis: beeing nosey
RwParis: as the sun shines though it.
RwParis: I love my rock
RwParis: bacon, bacon, bacon.
RwParis: majestic
RwParis: majestic 2
RwParis: fox glove singers 2
RwParis: inside the fish eye
RwParis: carpenter canyon 2 094
RwParis: carpenter canyon 2 096
RwParis: majestic view
RwParis: carpenter canyon 2 025
RwParis: Mt. Charlston
RwParis: dreamy mountains
RwParis: snow ball catch for Jessie
RwParis: friends in snow
RwParis: more Jessie action
RwParis: standing outside the fire ( By Garth Brooks)
RwParis: Blue Moon