A replica of one of the two guards at either side of SukGoolAm, a Buddhist Temple in the southern part of Korea. They chased evil spirits from entering the temple. Created around the 8th Century. 2.6 metres in height. (2016, 10.25)
A replica of one of the two guards at either side of SukGoolAm, a Buddhist Temple in the southern part of Korea. They chased evil spirits from entering the temple. Created around the 8th Century. 2.6 metres in height. (2016, 10.25)
"Comfort Women of the Empire" by Park YuHa" (2016,10.26)
Kirsten Jones (2016, 8.28)
Michael Bourgeois' 60th birthday bash La Revolucion, 2848 Dundas St W (at Keele St), Toronto! (2016, 10.29)