rchdj10: My view for the parade from the NE corner of State & Monroe.
rchdj10: Brandon Saad banner on Monroe.
rchdj10: Brent Seabrook banner located on Monroe, close to Dearborn.
rchdj10: Blackhawks flag, along with the American Flag and the City Of Chicago Flag, hanging at the Palmer House.
rchdj10: The Caddy's coming through dressed in Hawks gear!
rchdj10: Fans lining up by the Palmer House doors.
rchdj10: Fans starting to line up by Kay Jewelers.
rchdj10: 3 fans having a conversation at the NW corner of State & Monroe.
rchdj10: Fans waiting to cross the street at the SW corner of State & Monroe.
rchdj10: 2 fans sitting on the edge of a lamp post on State Street.
rchdj10: Kyle Cuminsky banner located on Monroe, closer to Wabash.
rchdj10: A small group of fans relaxing by Kay Jewelers.
rchdj10: Another group of fans relaxing directly across the street from me. You can my relection of taking the pic near the right edge of the window.
rchdj10: More younguns at the SE corner of State & Monroe, with the Police wagon as a backdrop.
rchdj10: Reflection of a Hawks flag hung on State Street off the window of the Amalgamated Bank Building.
rchdj10: CPD blue shirts having a casual conversation.
rchdj10: Given the sweater the young lady's wearing, her sign comes as no surprise.
rchdj10: A view to the east on Monroe, the rain is almost upon us.
rchdj10: Crowd's starting to fill in. This group was located near the doors of the Palmer House.
rchdj10: The rain's gone through and no one left.
rchdj10: Right after the rain stopped, the police sealed off State Street.
rchdj10: The sun peeks through between the Palmer House and the Sullivan Building.
rchdj10: Scott Darling banner located on Monroe, closer to the Sullivan Building.
rchdj10: Two of Chicago's Finest get on top of the wagon.
rchdj10: Crowd's filling in pretty good by Kay Jewelers.
rchdj10: Getting closer to the time of arrival, CPD getting into position on the street.
rchdj10: 3 young Hawks fans waiting for the champs.
rchdj10: Not the proverbial red tape, but the real deal! That's actual CPD crime tape. Hey, you go with what works!
rchdj10: A dude and his guitar and the crowd.
rchdj10: Yes we do.