rchdj10: The John Peter Altgeld statue in Lincoln Park.
rchdj10: A closer view of the statue.
rchdj10: A detail shot from the statue.
rchdj10: One last view of the statue.
rchdj10: The Phillip Sheridan monument at Belmont & Sheridan.
rchdj10: A closer view of the monument,
rchdj10: A bed of roses planted near the monument.
rchdj10: Dedication plaque for the roses. Long time Chicagoans will easily recognize the family's name.
rchdj10: Plaque for the Sheridan monument.
rchdj10: The Alarm monument. Located between Belmont & Diversey Harbors on Lake Shore Drive.
rchdj10: A closer view of the Alarm monument.
rchdj10: 1st of 4 scenes of Ottawa life. The Corn Dance.
rchdj10: 2nd of the scenes: The Peace Pipe.
rchdj10: 3rd of the scenes: The Hunt.
rchdj10: Last of the 4 scenes: Forestry.
rchdj10: Weeping Willows in Lincoln Park, between Belmont & Diversey Harbors on Lake Shore Drive.
rchdj10: Near Belmont Harbor.
rchdj10: At Diversey Harbor.
rchdj10: On the lake near Belmont Harbor.
rchdj10: 2 more on the lake near Belmont Harbor.
rchdj10: "Into the great wide open, under them skies of blue...."
rchdj10: A view to the NW from Belmont Harbor.
rchdj10: One more view from Belmont Harbor.
rchdj10: A view to the SW from Diversey Harbor.
rchdj10: A view to the south from Diversey Harbor.
rchdj10: A view of the skyline from Diversey Harbor.
rchdj10: A boat on the lake near Diversey Harbor.
rchdj10: 3 boats on the lake near Diversey Harbor.
rchdj10: The flag on the water.
rchdj10: Here comes Speed Racer!