rchdj10: Meremac Caverns Barn in Cayuga, IL.
rchdj10: Atlanta IL Public Library 001
rchdj10: Dwight Station Then 001
rchdj10: Dwight Station Now 001
rchdj10: Feddersen's Pizza 001
rchdj10: Lexington IL 001
rchdj10: This was taken by my buddy Bill, when he and his wife went on an Illinois Route 66 jaunt. This is the Odell Standard Station before it was rehabbed. I think this was taken in the fall of 93.
rchdj10: Odell 2 001
rchdj10: Odell 3 001
rchdj10: Old 66 001
rchdj10: Pig Hip Restaurant 001
rchdj10: Riviera Restaurant 2 001
rchdj10: Schlitz 001
rchdj10: Carefree Motel in Dwight, IL 001
rchdj10: Carefree Motel sign and I 001
rchdj10: Dixie Truckers Home sign and I 001