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Miyako / Irabu / Shimoji Island Trip Oct 2011 by RCG Maru
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RCG Maru
Nephila maculata - Okinawan banana spider
RCG Maru
Active coral head with divers Irabu Jima
RCG Maru
Busy coral head 2
RCG Maru
Divers and Emperor Angel Fish 1
RCG Maru
Divers and Emperor Angelfish 2
RCG Maru
Red sea fans
RCG Maru
Heteractis magnifica with Amphiprion ocellaris off of Shimoji
RCG Maru
Gymnothorax melanospilus - Blackspotted moray
RCG Maru
Clarks couple on reef slope Shimoji_
RCG Maru
Kiyomi getting her bearings with the dive master and guide
RCG Maru
Little Tori ike split shot
RCG Maru
From Irabu Jima looking to Miyako and new bridge
RCG Maru
From Irabu Jima looking to Miyako
RCG Maru
Mamoru kun
RCG Maru
Shimoji Jima diving point - west side
RCG Maru
Large Torii on Shimo Jima (and plane)
RCG Maru
Tori-Ike diagram and explanation_
RCG Maru
Tori-Ike hole #1 with plane
RCG Maru
Tori-Ike hole #2 with control radar at airstrip
RCG Maru
Beach and inlet south of Tori-Ike
RCG Maru
Walkway around Tori-Ike
RCG Maru
Sunset from ferry Irabu to Miyako
RCG Maru
Aka gaara izakaya
RCG Maru
Hand me my camera please - thank you!
RCG Maru
Adult Pterois volitans at Tori-Ike cave
RCG Maru
Diver in little Tori-Ike
RCG Maru
Bottom of Tori-Ike #1
RCG Maru
Anemones at bottom of Tori-Ike #1
RCG Maru
Looking up ascending at Tori-Ike #1 pond
RCG Maru
Dive master in little Tori-Ike
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