rufie c: Kai, working by the window #Berlin
rufie c: Bet they are getting off at #Berlin. Dead giveaway: Club Mate drinkers #hipsterspotting
rufie c: Why does one bother with so much effort to feed oneself? #Boredom #Berlin
rufie c: Cheers to summer! €1.80 of pure bliss #Berlin
rufie c: Good mornings start with good coffee :) #Berlin
rufie c: Waiting for the coal with beer #Berlin #BBQ
rufie c: Schnitzel success #Germanlessons #Berlin
rufie c: Burger shop in a toilet building #Berlin
rufie c: Garden dining
rufie c: Königsberger Klopse. Sehr lekker! #Berlin
rufie c: Couldn't sneak pass the darned security #Berlin
rufie c: We're not cool enough to join the crazy queue to Berghain #Berlin
rufie c: A fairy tale summer #Berlin
rufie c: Perfect summer Sunday #Berlin
rufie c: Gin & tonic with strawberry, thyme & red currants ^_^
rufie c: Yesterday's sambal terung recycled into pasta.
rufie c: Golden sunlight #ig_campus #CPEurope #Berlin